POLYCAB INDIA LTD is incorporated in the year 1996. In 2019 company had listed in stock exchange. Market cap of company is Rs 11157.02 crore(As on 15th June 2020). POLYCAB INDIA LTD is India based wire company. This company engaged with business of manufacturing of wires and cables. POLYCAB INDIA LTD operates through three segment which are manufacture of wires and cables, fast moving electronic goods(FMEG), and others. In manufacturing segment company manufacture wires and cables in large quantities. In FMEG segment company manufacture of eclectic products like Fan,and other electronic goods. And its other segment consists engineering procurement and construction (EPC) business which includes designing, engineering, supply, execution and commissioning of power distribution and rural electrification projects. This company also manufacture of solar cables and equipments. In future the solar energy will be more demanded so company will g...