

POLYCAB INDIA LTD    is incorporated in the year 1996. In 2019 company had listed in stock exchange. Market cap of company is  Rs 11157.02 crore(As on 15th June 2020).  POLYCAB INDIA LTD   is India based wire company. This company engaged with business of manufacturing of wires and cables.  POLYCAB INDIA LTD operates through three segment which are manufacture of wires and cables, fast moving electronic goods(FMEG), and others. In manufacturing segment company manufacture wires and cables in large quantities. In FMEG segment company manufacture of eclectic products like Fan,and other electronic goods. And its other segment consists engineering procurement and construction (EPC) business which includes designing, engineering, supply, execution and commissioning of power distribution and rural electrification projects. This company also manufacture of solar cables and equipments. In future the solar energy will be more demanded so company will g...

Reliance Industries Ltd

Reliance Industries is a India's biggest company. Mr Mukesh D Ambani is a Chairman of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL). RIL's segment includes production and marketing operations of the petroleum products. Reliance JIO is subsidiary company of Reliance Industries Ltd. CMP:- ₹1614.55 Market Cap:- 10.92 Trillion. (As on 15th June 2020). Recently actions in JIO platform 1.  On 22th April 2020 Facebook bought 9.99% stake Of Reliance Jio for Rs 43,574.00. 2. On 3rd May 2020 American based company Silver Lake bought 1.15% stake of Reliance Jio for Rs 5656.00 cr. 3. Vista Equity Partners invested 11,367 crore in Jio platform and took 2.32% stake on 8th May 2020. 4. General Atlantic picked up a 1.34% stake in Jio platform for Rs 6,598 cr on 17th May 2020. 5. On 5th May 2020 American based KKR company bought 2.32% stake in Jio for 11,367.00 cr  6. Abu Dhabi based Mubadala  invested Rs 9,093 cr in Jio platform and got 1.85% stake in Jio platform on 5th June 2...


Tata Power is a power generator & distribution company it working in many states. Tata Power has  recently deal with MG Motors. Tata Power will install super chargers 50KW DC for MG Motors. And it will provide end to end solutions for EV charging to MG Motors in all around India. MG's MD Mr Rajeev Chaba  informed that we are ready to provide to facilities for charging to our customers. Tata Motors's MD Mr Praveer Sinha also informed that they are working on bettery's second life. I think now Tata Power is going to ready for  bright future. In near future it will become large company. TATA POWER  has gave 46.87% return in 1 month.


Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL) is India's biggest solar energy producer. Mr Gautam Adani is director of this company. AGEL has  recently got the world's biggest contract to making solar power plant. Under this contract the company will produce 8000 megawatts photovoltaic power plant. And it will also make 2000 megawatts in local solar panels. AGEL has gave arround ₹45,300 cr for tender. This work will have completed in next two years. This contract has been published last November and the result has come now. This plant will be established in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Rajasthan government give permission to establish plants in Jesalmer, Bikaner,and Jalore. In Gujarat the solar plant will be established at Kutch. AGEL's stock gave 687% return in one year.

History of Indian Stock Market

Indian Stock Market has main two exchanges where investors and traders are trade.  1. Bombay Stock Exchange . Bombay Stock Exchange is old exchange. Bombay Stock Exchange's short form is BSE. The BSE was founded on 9th July 1887. BSE is located at Dalal Street in Mumbai. The mainindices of BSE is   BSE SENSEX Ashish Kumar Chauhan is CEO and MD of BSE. And Vikramajit Sen is chairman of BSE. 2. NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE  NSE is second and famous exchange of Indian Stock Market. NSE is located at Mumbai. NSE is founded on 1992. The main indices of NSE is NIFTY50.Nifty 50 is a group of 50 stokes. Vikram Limaye is MD and CEO of NSE. And Girish Chandra Chaturvedi is chairman of NSE.